Bankruptcy Services
Dealing with financial and legal matters can be a confusing and trying time for you and your family. Attorney Angell will advise you on the best way to protect your rights and your future under bankruptcy law. She strives to be as accessible as possible in providing you with personal and responsive representation.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Chapter 7 gives you a fresh start, fast. Prior to filing, it is critical to speak with a lawyer about the best way to proceed. Chapter 7 is known as a liquidation or “straight” bankruptcy, where most debts are fully discharged in the bankruptcy court.
Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy right for me?
For those in dire financial straits, Chapter 7 bankruptcy provides a means for a fresh start. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the quickest, easiest and least expensive form though it is not available to all income levels. In most instances Chapter 7 debtors can file for Chapter 7 without losing any assets because State or Federal Exemptions will protect their assets—so you won’t have to start over. As soon as you file Chapter 7, an automatic stay is ordered by the bankruptcy court, which stops the calls, wage garnishment and repossessions.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
What is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
A Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a wage earner repayment plan. It is designed for individuals with regular income who can pay all or part of their debts in installments over a period of time.
Is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy right for me?
A 3-5 year plan, this bankruptcy path doesn’t happen overnight. Attorney Angell will work closely with you to determine your expenses, income, and obligations and propose a plan that will be successful for your long-term financial life. Once approved by the Court, you’ll work with a Trustee appointed to your case to complete your plan in order for your remaining debts to be discharged.

Chapter 128 Bankruptcy
What is Chapter 128 Bankruptcy?
A Chapter 128 bankruptcy is a very simplified version of a chapter 13 bankruptcy, designed to repay the debt in full over a 36 month (3 year) period. Note, it does not reduce your debt amount.
Is Chapter 128 Bankruptcy right for me?
In a Chapter 128 Bankruptcy a Debtor can include any unsecured debt (credit cards, payday loans, speeding tickets, medical bills, late utility bills and rent payments) that they want to. The Debtor will not have to disclose their tax records, assets, other debts or their income; nor go through court mandated credit counseling. You can file this form often, however it does not stop lawsuits as other bankruptcies can.
Let’s get your life back!
This is your future. You can take control back and get your life back on track so that you can help your children with their futures and provide for your own.
There really are answers. You just need to ask the questions.
“Ms Angell is very personable and communicated the necessary information. She took care of our bankruptcy with minimal work on our end, and took care of business. It was a great experience with her going through a difficult time.”